I've always called my design style "modical" (Modern meets Nautical, aka how do you have the feeling of the beach, without being at the beach, and without having literal theme rooms/wooden lighthouses, life preservers, and a light house border running the circumference of your space. You could also think of it as "Urban Beach Cottage." I try to achieve this idea through soft colors that remind me of the ocean, sea glass, sand, and the faded facades of white washed beach cottages. I like to mix textures, materials, and the old with the new. For example, I love having the modern, stainless steel island in the kitchen with the antique Baker's Cabinet that used to hold toys in my childhood bedroom. I really like the juxtaposition of the hard and soft elements, both serving their own unique purpose in the space. When I think of a beach house, I think of a comfortable collection of family treasures, found objects, and mismatched pieces that now have a new life. It's more about creating a feeling than a look, because let's face it, I don't live at the beach. Taking the idea too far would be the same as decking this place out in a Southwest theme. I mean, who wouldn't want a living room full of dream catchers, cacti, and paintings of coyotes and wolves howling at a blue corn moon? I want my guests in my home to feel comfortable, safe, and like they've stepped into a home away from home. That same feeling you get when you walk into a beach cottage. I hope you like it as much as I do. Readers, let me know what you think. Now, to go scrub the Galactica semi-gloss off of my fingernails.

(Click on photos for high resolution)
Here are a few Before Shots:

Who knew 17 bucks worth of paint, some rearranged accessories, and a few extra evenings after work could make such a difference? It just shows you, folks. You don't have to go crazy to get crazy, big results. Paint really does go a long way, and shopping in your own home can lead to a really cost-effective makeover. The best part? With the savings from this project, you can head to the real beach house. Paint on my Brothers and Sisters, Paint On.
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