I feel like I'm in one of those scenes in a movie where a guy has been kicked out of his apartment in a huge fight by his girlfriend. The one where he's standing outside in the rain with his suitcase and a wilted bouquet of a dozen long-stem roses, asking for forgiveness and to come back home.
Well, here I am folks. I'm back! After much deliberation and much coaxing, aka a full-court press from my friend and amazing
Cville Blogger, Jeanine over at Small & Chic in
Cville, I'm giving in (Thanks, J.) Will you have me back? I hope so. I've missed you all. I really have. For those of you who might stumble upon this little
blog randomly, I'll catch you up to speed. I shut her down back after the holidays or as my friend Jeanine likes to say "I was simply taking a break." I wanted to focus on a few other things, and I had quickly realized coming up with a new project or post every night was quite cumbersome and unnecessary. You don't want to reach that point in your life that you just start tearing up perfectly good stuff just for the sake of having a blog post. It's an ugly place.
I had hoped to start writing more professionally about home design and
DIY projects for the boy or girl next door, and well, it happened. Shortly after I closed up shop at Simply
Cville I was hired as a columnist for C-VILLE Abode, our monthly leisure magazine/newspaper dedicated to home design and better living in
Charlottesville and the surrounding counties. When the March issue of Abode hit the shelves, I was introduced as C-
VILLE's new Do-It Yourself Guy and the author of "Rental Rescue," a column helping renters complete
DIY projects to improve their spaces without breaking the bank or breaking down walls. I have to say, it's been a blast working with my editor at C-VILLE Abode and I'm super psyched about the column for the upcoming year. There's also something really humbling about standing in line for bagels and the girl in front of you is looking at your kitchen on page 27. Crazy stuff.
You can check out some of my columns here:
http://www.c-ville.com/index.php?cat=11801401090567142&ShowArticle_ID=11802705103371924http://www.c-ville.com/index.php?cat=11801401090567142&ShowArticle_ID=11803004103676547http://www.c-ville.com/index.php?cat=1990205074270051&ShowArticle_ID=11800204104172687http://www.c-ville.com/index.php?cat=1990205074270051&ShowArticle_ID=11802602104171323The July column will be out in 2 weeks!
Otherwise, life has been pretty par for the course. Upon returning from vacation in Nantucket, a brief "burst" of an intense storm hit
Charlottesville on a Thursday afternoon sending an 86 year old tree onto my small house. Flash forward to interior shots of tree limbs poking in to the attic, brown, water stained ceilings, cracks that look like the Mason Dixon, no gutters, and learning what it looks like when it rains in a living room. Hooray for great insurance all around. The other lesson learned?
Kartell Ghost Chairs do
Windex really well when they are covered in brown water spots. Perhaps I should invest in all
Lucite/acrylic furniture.
So, I can't promise that there will be posts every night, actually, I I can assure you there won't be. However, I'd like to come back if you'll have me. I can also promise you it won't be super fancy. It will just be, Simply
So, that being said. I hope you'll have me back. After all, I've missed you and it's raining out here. I'd like to come inside, even if it's raining in the living room, too.